place to visit in Seoul : "Mahabodi, Temple, the Mecca of Independence movement on March 1st, 1911" + food recommendation *insya Allah Halal*


please ignore my post on August 3rd
it was simply my hormonal-swing, and my dilemma to stop support 0t12

SO! this Monday~
I still don't know what to post, so I ended up posting these lame-unfiltered-photograph which was taken by me, when I was in Seoul.

this Temple is called : "Mahabodi, Temple, the Mecca of Independence movement on March 1st, 1911"

(3.1독립운동 성지 (聖地) 대각사)

I was simply stunned by the architectural style of the temple, which is typical Korean style, but how many times I see these kind of building, I always ends up loving it

so quick story behind this temple: this temple was the headquarters of independence movement of Korea, when Korea was occupied with Japan, this temple is located near to Changdok-gung or Changdok Palace... just around 10minutes walk or less maybe...

actually I wanted to post more about my previous summer in Seoul or Gwangju, but I am still clueless about what should I post, so~ I am taking request!

and while I am thinking about it, or waiting for any request *which I guess there won't be any request* now I am passionate on looking for any blog competition, I need some income >_< and I love bloging and I running out of idea~ 
so please support me :p

monday in sahara

 that I remembered something


I just want to give food recommendation, especially for fellow Moslems~

the food is called 낙지 비빔밥 (nakji bibimbap) typical Korean food, mix the rice with the vegetables and add the main dish which is the octopus ~ nom nom, so delicious (I am craving for it now). 

Those food are so delicious and fulfilling, so you might don't need to eat again until tomorrow kkk, the price is around 7000KRW 

it's near the temple, just walk to the left side of the temple and there is one little restaurant, it's easy to spot the restaurant, since the owner put pictures of the menu~

nom nom~


  1. Nisaulfathona HidayatiAugust 9, 2013 at 8:44 AM

    Kak sekarang ke korea dalam rangka apa? kalo dulu kan summer school

    1. sama summer school juga, tapi beda UNI beda kota, beda experiences kkk

      awal mulanya ini : http://mondayinsahara.blogspot.com/2013/03/believe-in-yourself.html



  2. Ceritain tentang summser school yg kedua ini dong kak. Tulisan2 kakak nginspirasi aku bgt!! Kebetulan aku jg fangirl sih exostan juga hehe dan pingin ke korea tp ga cm jalan2 tp pinginnya sambil sekolah walaupun cm beberapa bulan. Thank you kak :--))

    1. ah masa sih *blush*

      yaudah dibaca dulu aja yang tag nya summer2012 sama summer2013 hehe,

      komentarmu made my day deh kkk


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