only GOD knows! :)

I was just passing a SUPERLUCKY day . at the 2nd of  May...

as a Rangers - Changcut Rangers (fans of The Changcuters a.k.a TC band usually called)
me and maman, and some of her friends, attended a pensi (high school's music and dance and anything artsy thing event)

after waiting like more than 2hours. they came out! yippy!!!

we watch at the first row. *yaaa just like watching a fashion show...*
I was suffering cause a guy *with a smelly armpit* pushed me, and it felt like, I felt his tii..t! OH NO!
I can't enjoy their show huhuhu :(
but yaa, after he satisfied *after taking TC's photo*. he go to the leftside . thanks GOD!
I dooo enjoyed their performance!!!
especially My Favorite Player 'Qibil' at guitar, with his FRESH NEW SEXY HAIRCUT! played uuuu!!! 너 의 입술로 오빠 !!!! (neoui ibsullo oppa!!!!) LOVELOVELOVE :p hehe
 and when he covered his wet SMEXY hair with a towel. CUTE *blinkblink*!!!
unfortunately I didn't capture that moment...
and when he get to the side of  stage where I stand . I screamed LOUDER!!! awww!!!

after few songs maman looked so pale . I thought she was going to collapsed . then we headed to somewhere outside the crowd, to take some fresh air. yaaa after she feels okay. we were going back, but THAT WAS THE LAST SONG!!! uhhm , but that's ok. I'LL ABSOLUTELY CATCH their next performance at my sooo LOVELY CITY!

theeeen , I was so confuse about accommodation to get home.
but whatever!
maman's friend : Randy, told us to get something to eat. after. longlong conversation. we headed to 'Gubeng Pojok'. with a big sacrifice too!

shockingly at that place, there were TC's band crew. maman wondered "Ohh!!! where are they (TC)???"
after ordered a meal. had some jokes



a group of a man, passed..
fist row ALDA of TC!
I screamed!
not the loud one. but I did some weird moves. 
and the last row. QIBIL 
my favorite one!!! uuu , he acted silly! CUTE :)

the rest are : 
all of us. me, maman and friends. get nervous, till we couldn't eat.

then we ask them to take a picture with us. fortunately they say 'yes'
yuhhuuu!!! cause from the last moment, it's kinda hard, to ask them like that.

here are the prove :)

and the best one. ME in a same FRAME (though...) with Qibil :O

look at what he wore truly fashionable.! LOVELOVE :)
then I made and making another wish . I wish I can be like this :

envy heeeeerr!!!

yayyy!!! all of that moments are 'only GOD knows moment', GOD gives a different different way and reason to each person
on other side of this nation, probably there are a fangirl, like me who met them million times, and get bored.
or someone who never met them, and dying to do that...

only GOD knows.
I just wish . I can 'feed' all of my 'FANGIRL HUNGER :)'
I STILL wish to:

meet them . interact with them, anything!
cause I got this moment by several hard steps . hehe


  1. Oh My God, darling, you are such a lucky one to have an encounter with those amazing guys !
    And about your style, you look like a neon light with that gorgeous vintage pink jacket which means it's very interesting how you put your 'neon' with black and flowers around your body !

    p.s: SP-JPY

    always love your comment :)

    p.s: that's not black, that's daaark blue hehe


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