안녕! 어떻게 당신이!

so I guess my posts are stopped at 10 August, fyi I met teentop on that day in sukira

and more stories, it is so many that I can't imagined to post everything on my blog, when actually I want to share a lot of things, not a childiss-show-off purposes, but I want to share something may important for all of you, probably one of you will going to South Korea by yourself and experience things like I do ^^

so I guess I'll do it gradually,

it is almost a month since I came back from Korea, within those days, I've done things, including nice afternoon nap and being lazy all days, *peace sign*, which I can post something actually :3

Honestly, I am inspired by a lot things from my visit it's not just about the interaction with the K-Pop idol, which it is so possible to see them pass in front of us,
which you must understand that those not an easy thing, you do need a determination and effort, there's no thing such as free lunch baby~ *that's what I learned from school, economic*
and also we have to prepare a thick sheet of patience, which if you choose to be unpatience, you'll ruin everything

besides that my visit opened my eyes and my thought, some values of life, even the reason of why we have to wear a hijab (see! just open your mind, inspiration comes from everywhere), I may post my thought on different post ^^ the feeling gonna be different 

so I guess I am done with my intro xD ~ more posts soon 

P.S : I might join another blogging competition which prize is trip to South Korea, if you're interested just check this

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