well it's here B2ST's 니가 제일 좋아 (I Like You The Best) MV

Oh mai God!

it was 6 p.m and I am checking my timeline

'B2ST - 니가 제일 좋아 (I like you the best)' music video had released in HD!
after waiting for about 8 months! What a!

actually I've saw this video before, it was a fancam from 2011 Comeback to B2ST Airline xD...
saw the MV in low quality, and it was fancam wasn't bad, since I've got their charms already

and the HD music video is like SUPER DAEBAK!
here it is :

credit to :

aaaah~ it was so sad when my hubby Lee KiKwang got bullied, I know it's just an acting -____-. but still TT^TT... and also the NG's lol, I was laughing hard, they looks dorky and lovelyyyy~~~

whatever if you call me drama queen and exaggerate: BUT I WAS SO HAPPY THAT I'M GOING TO CRY KNOWING THIS MV HAD RELEASED ♥♥♥ this is my numero uno favorite song from BEAST~

and unfortunately *eh* after found this MV released on youtube, I can't stop browsing their miscellaneous video, and I spend 3hours browsing and downloading when I had other stuff to do -__-  -->  xD, but I'll share to yaaa!!!

the most interesting was :

all about my sexy namja Son Dongwoon. YAY!  here:

credit to : @youtube

I don't even know, I saw Dongwoon as a flawless guy but I guess I am wrong, and I guess I know the reason why he is not active in variety show, lol. but that's great, he had his own charm, with that uniquely handsome face xD

and the highlight was: 

credit to : @youtube

lol hard! he even scream, cuteeeee~~~ ♥ly raaawwrrr

oh ya it's late actually but since I am a 2010 era B2UTY, I mean I wasn't a B2UTY right after they debuted, I found this interesting:

credit to : @youtube

I don't even know that there was a TV performance for this, L.O.V.E this! heart heart heart...

the poin is I am so happy with those video, feels like I am comeback to myself, after break from all KPOP world, especially B2ST :D after a lo~~~ong time.
but what makes me 'galau' *sorry I can find any word match with this world which express the best my feeling in English... or let saaay 'worry' lah* is...

currently I am waiting for someone that make me sing 니가 제일 좋아 to him and mean it from the bottom of my heart, who that guy could be ya? I wonder, miss him even I don't know who is he?
GOD! 제발 answer my prayer~

btw I had a good feeling about Jogja I don't why I really really want to go there, the same feeling like when I was want to go to Medan so baaad, and U-KISS was going there *btw I haven't told ya, that I was came to Medan, to meet U-KISS in person, ALL OF THEM ARE GOOD LOOKING!!!*

oh yeah other thing made me 'galau' *worry* was my blog visitor counter got reset, into 0 again TT^TT when I already reach 3500 ~ aaaaargh, maybe there will be a wisdom about it

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