Reasons to Date (or marry) a Girl Who Loves to Travel (cr to : Trekeffect)

I just want to leave it here on my online diary, so that I can read it again in the future and be awesome just like how I usually do.
Some people might be disagree, but so what :p

So here are the reason:

1. She is witty, intelligent and enthralling
There is never a dull moment with a girl who loves to travel. Whether she’s urging you to take an exciting adventure in a Safari jungle or sharing stories of her epic backpacking escapades, she always has a way to enthrall you. Plus, she’s got the wit and charm to make your conversations more fun and engaging.

A girl who loves to travel is often intelligent, curious and inquisitive. After all, traveling is one of the best forms of education. With enthusiasm and passion, she can talk for a number of hours about her backpacking trips and adventures abroad.

2. Life never gets boring with a girl who loves to travel
Just when you think that your life is heading towards the mundane, she will come up with a trip that will create magic and a spark of excitement in your life. She will plan a trip, and will even have the budget and flights sorted out. She is, then, going to take you to places where you’ve never been to, allowing you to discover a lot of new things that could add an extra element of fun and excitement in your life.

A girl who loves to travel also recognizes every opportunity for adventure, excitement and fun. She is always keen to try something new and unusual with you, whether abroad or at home. From building houses in Africa to skydiving in Dubai, she has a sense of adventure that is practically limitless, and you’ll never get bored with her.

3. She is sprightly and active 
Whether she’s hiking the Himalayas or taking a stroll around the neighborhood, she is the kind of girl who wants to be active at all times. While she does love the occasional stops to Starbucks, she is someone that pushes you outside comfort zone, to help you become a better, stronger and healthier version of yourself.

4. She is fun-loving and spontaneous
Travelers, in general, are always up for a blast. And they rarely say no to things that are new and fun, which makes her a perfect fit to a dude who’s into a good-time and spontaneous relationship.
5. A girl who loves to travel is adaptable and easy-going
After many delays, missed flights, bad restrooms, bad street food and wrong turns, it is safe to say that she is adaptable and easy-going. She is ready for any bumps on the road metaphorically and literally. When life throws a curve ball at her, she smacks it right out of the ballpark with flying colors.
6. She's not materialistic
There is no need for you to spend a great deal of money on a girl who loves to travel. As her boyfriend or suitor, you won’t have to buy her extravagant gifts like a ritzy car or a state-of-the-art smartphone, just to impress her or make her happy. As a matter of fact, a simple yet meaningful gift like a photo frame of you and her traveling will sweep her away into bliss.
7. She is easy to please
A girl who loves to travel certainly knows how to appreciate the small and simple things in life. She loves to listen to the chirping birds near your window, or watch the gleaming stars at night. She even goes nuts over the incense sticks that will remind her of the smells in Bali, or the wasabi candies that bring back memories of her unforgettable gastronomic experience in Japan.
 shamelessly putting my own picture    
8. She knows who exactly she is
Traveling, in a lot of different ways, lets people discover themselves. And of course, a girl who travels a lot knows herself more than anybody else.
9. She's a good problem solver
It is inevitable for travelers, especially the ones who spend a few months on the road, to run into a few problems. And while most people would freak out when they miss a bus or get pick-pocketed, she has the ability to think in a rational way, and find solutions to solve the problem.

With her as your dating partner, you will always have a reliable person who’ll offer a great piece of advice, every time you’re dealing with a major problem in your life. Not to mention, she can react rationally to issues, whenever they arise in your relationship.
10. She is open-minded
The more she immerses herself into other cultures, the more open-minded she becomes. Instead of looking at other places and people as weird, she simply learns to view them as something different. So, if you’re girlfriend is a travel junkie, you don’t have to worry about her judging you, and the other unusual things that you want to try. With her, you can be as weird and idiosyncratic as you can be.
11. Your buddies will like her
You will rarely bump into a traveler who is unfriendly and shy. Months of sharing hotel dorms with strangers and talking with foreigners have given her the ability to make friends with anyone in any situation and anywhere. You won’t have to worry about your friends not liking her because she is social and doesn’t have problems making friends instantly.
12. She is hard-working
She is probably the hardest working gal you will ever meet in your lifetime. She will take a couple of jobs or more, to fund her trips and adventures. What’s more, she shares her travel experiences to the world via a blog, and converts it into an extra source of income.
13. She has good financial and management skills
Speaking of funds, travelers are also quite proficient, when it comes to financial management. Not only do they spend their money wisely, but they can find a myriad of ways to generate funds on the road as well.
14. She is not clingy
She isn’t the kind of girl who wants to know everything you do. She wants to be with you because she likes you and it is fun, and not because she needs to be with you at all times. Unlike most lonely women and men, she won’t use her dating partner to fill a void.
15. She will leave a positive mark in your life
Even if your relationship won’t work out, she will still leave a lasting positive mark in your life. She can change your life for the better, as well as make you a more exciting and well-rounded dude. Furthermore, she can introduce you to a whole lot of new theories and ideas that will make your wiser.
16. She is beautiful in her own special and unique way    
She can dress up for you, put on a fragrant perfume and wear glittering jewelry on occasion. But, she will feel more comfortable, beautiful and confident in her shorts and vest tops, with her hair tied back. Her skin is freckly and tanned, and she sports a number of hippy bracelets around her wrists and ankles that she has collected from her globetrotting journey. She is a wanderer, and she is indeed a beautiful creature in her own way.
17. She is loving and thoughtful
She may be on the road a lot, but a girl who loves to travel never forgets you. You may not hear her voice for a few days, but she constantly writes how she has missed you in her blog or diary. She thinks about you every time she goes to sleep, and she tells all the backpackers in her hostel dorm on how great and wonderful you are. Moreover, she will do her best to find a place with WiFi, so she can call you on Skype or send you a message on Whatsapp.

Original post : https://trekeffect.com/travel-blog/18-reasons-why-you-should-date-a-girl-who-loves-to-travel
monday in sahara

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